
Still Beautiful After a Storm

October 29, 7:30 pm

Director: Benjamin Dino

A Hungarian boy moves to Japan, fulfilling his dream about getting there once. His time there isn’t careless though, since he doesn’t really find his place in this foreign culture. Then, in the autumn of 2017, a typhoon strikes the Japanese capital. And the life of the boy changes forever on this rainy, windy, dreamy night…

The monodrama written for two actors will be a unique theatrical experiment, guiding the audience to the faraway world of Japan.

During the performance stroboscope is used, so the show is not recommended for pregnant women, people with epilepsy or pacemaker!

Performed by Szántó Balázs , Kovács Olivér

Set and costume design: Jenny Horváth
Choreography: Krisztina  Vadász
Lightning design: Csaba Andor Balogh
Music: Dávid Mester
Dramaturg: Dávid  Cseh
Dramaturg consultant: Krisztina Kovács
Assistant of director: Kata Szládek

Director: Benjamin Dino