
Dance in Time

Dance in Time

dance performance in memory of our parents and grandparents

Based on the French Le Bal by the Theatre du Campagnol.

Director: László Marton

Not a single word is spoken during this „play“. Everything is communicated through the images, dances, gestures, and movements created by actors\\\\\\\' bodies. And the music, of course.
The Place: a ballroom or a cafe somewhere (in Budapest, Hungary this time) where people gather together; they dance, enjoy themselves and hope to find their partners. They are gliding, shifting, and dancing through the years and decades, through the history of the last sixty-or-so years. Fashions, styles, and music changes, but the basic search for happiness remains. Great historical events take place but what we see onstage is actually very personal. That is what made the original French produciton so special and powerful, and this explains the overwhelming success of the Hungarian production.
Though the original idea and the working method remained the same as in the original production of the French Le Bal by the Theatre du Campagnol, the script changed significantly for the Hungarian staging. Twentieth-century Hungarian history differs greatly from the French. The result is a uniquely Hungarian theatrical vision.